Author: From the archive
Today, @UofT recommended #divestment from fossil fuels. RT if you think our politicians should follow!
Shell has abandoned its controversial drilling operations in the Alaskan Arctic in the face of mounting opposition in what jubilant environmentalists described as “an unmitigated defeat” for big oil. The Anglo-Dutch company had repeatedly stressed the enormous hydrocarbon potential of the far north region in public, but in private began to admit it had been surprised by the popular opposition it faced.
In light of the chance concurrence of Discover Swarthmore and the Board of Managers meeting, we at the Phoenix feel that the college should consider the potentially negative ways in which the Board of Managers’ decision not to divest from fossil fuels has impacted the admissions profile at the college within the past three years.
The following letter was written collaboratively by students forming a Jesuit network for fossil fuel divestment. Most Holy Father, We write to you as young people, as constituents of Jesuit institutions, other Catholic, Christian, and religious institutions, and non-religious institutions as people of goodwill, on behalf of an entire generation.
As the Board of Managers held their first meeting of the academic year, members of Mountain Justice staged a protest in response to the publication of a paper by the Industrial Petroleum Association of America that cited divestment cost estimates put forth by the Board in their decision not to divest last spring.
The New Yorker: The Weight of the World The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, or U.N.F.C.C.C., has by now been ratified by 195 countries, which, depending on how you count, represents either all the countries in the world or all the countries and then some.
The president formally unveiled on Monday his administration’s plan to cut future carbon emissions from power plants.
“The greatest investment capital shift in history will be long and complex, but it is well underway,” @CFigueres #DivestInvest
Huge milestone for our movement, & a victory for students, pensioners, people of faith who made the path by walking.